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Skin Edits




      With this photograph I changed the white balance to improve the lighting, used the quick selection to touch up her blemishes and spots, and lightened the bags under her eyes. I filled in her eyebrows and darkened them, as well as her eyelashes and pupils, and I brightened her irises.

Edited Rain (1 of 1).jpg

     In this photo, I changes the white balance to fix the orange hue and poor lighting, lightened his red cheeks and dark under-eye bags, lightened his his teeth and the whites of his eyes. I lessened  the lines on his face, and brightened the colour of his eyes, as well as slightly darkened his eyebrows.

Edited Rain (1 of 1) copy.jpg

     In this photo of George Clooney, I made his eyes, nose and mouth symmetrical by copying one side, reversing and blending it to make it look natural. I got rid of the lines on his face and made the irises of his eyes a warmer brown-green. I selected his hair and eyebrows, and slightly changed the colour to make it darker.

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