Adobe Flash // Animate
Shape Tweenie
This is an example of a shape tween. The object started as a circle and ended as a pentagon. To accomplish this edit in Adobe Flash (or Animate, depending on your software), you insert a keyframe in the timeline and add a circle (or another shape you want). Then you insert another keyframe later (approximately twenty frames after the first) on the same layer and delete the first shape and inset another in its place. Right click (or control click) on the timeline between the two keyframes and select shape tween. Now the shape will start out as the original shape (a circle, in this instance) and end as the second one (a pentagon), shifting from the first to the second in between.
Bouncing Circolio
This is an example of a classic tween. The shape moves from one corner to the bottom to the other corner. To do this, First insert a keyframe on the timeline and add an object. Add another keyframe (approximately twenty frames later) and move the object to the opposite corner. Add a keyframe